The Pain Exchange

What we offer

Sharon Morgans, a state registered physiotherapist, is running a programme that aims to help support those living with persistent pain. The aim is to enable participants to manage persistent pain and so improve quality of life.

The Pain Exchange runs weekly for 12 weeks and includes:

  • an exercise class with relaxation
  • discussions and education regarding the meaning of pain  
  • advice by a qualified nutritionist, on the effects of nutrition on pain and fatigue
  • discussions and advice on sleep management 
  • art sessions conducted by a local artist
  • online weekly yoga classes
  • community gardening
  • social time with refreshments

On request we also provide:

  • prayer for healing
  • links to agencies who can help with debt counselling and advice on social benefits
  • links to the food bank
  • links to help with mental health

New Autumn Term dates - click here

Thank you for your support! 

A huge thank you to all of you who donated to Sharon and Rachael's recent fundraiser for The Pain Exchange.  Together with Sharon's husband, David, they cycled over 40 miles around the Suffolk Countryside on 18th May 2024. Thanks to your amazing generosity, we are well on our way to exceeding our fundraising target of £1,000.  The money raised will help increase service provision at The Pain Exchange.

                          Sponsored bike-ride with Sharon and Rachael 

                          Sponsored bike-ride - David               


Our charitable objectives are:

'To protect and promote the physical and mental health of persons suffering from musculoskeletal (MSK) pain and conditions, in particular by the provision of physiotherapy programmes directed towards relief, management and prevention.'

Our charitable aims are:

'To improve confidence in ability to function day to day, for example: confidence to work, either in paid or a voluntary capacity and confidence to engage in social activities with family, friends and/or the local community. 


The Pain Exchange is a registered charity in England & Wales. Charity no. 1166229