The Pain Exchange




Please exercise at a level that is comfortable and suitable for your level of physical fitness and mobility.

If you are unsure whether the class is suitable for you, please request a review with the Pain Exchange physiotherapists, who will be able to guide you. You can do this through  "contact us" in the menu bar above.

If you engage in online classes, you agree that you do so at your own risk and that you are participating voluntarily. Additionally, you assume all risk of injury to yourself or others in your locality. The Pain Exchange advises that you assess the environment where you perform the exercise and make sure that it is clear of hazards, e.g., trip hazards. 


Exercise & Relaxation, Art, Nutrition, Socials, Discussion & Education

Currently evidence suggests that vaccination reduces the risk of serious illness, but does not prevent transmission of Covid.

Therefore the Pain Exchange is suggesting the following guidelines for face to face activities to reduce risk of transmission.

Current government guidelines for clinical encounters suggest adherence to Hands, Face, Space. The Pain Exchange are adhering to advice re clinical populations i.e., a 2m spacing indoors, we ask that all participants wash hands (20 seconds) and use hand sanitisers at all available opportunities. We advise the use of masks when moving around the building. 

To ensure that we can maintain social distancing during the class, spaces in the class will be limited. PEX will book participants in on a first come first serve basis. A weekly email will be sent out inviting participants to book a place.

We will be keeping doors and windows open where possible to help ventilate the rooms.

To reduce risk of transmission all staff will be taking lateral flow tests twice per week. We encourage our participants to take a lateral flow test prior to attending group sessions.

Touch points will be cleaned pre and post activities. For the exercise class equipment will be cleaned pre and post class. Please note that we will not be using blankets this term during the relaxation. For the art class individuals will have their own equipment that will be kept in a named box.

For 1:1 sessions staff will wear full PPE and we encourage participants to wear a face mask.

Please do not attend any Pain Exchange face to face activities if you are feeling at all unwell. 

Please do not attend Pain Exchange face to face activities  if you are clinically vulnerable, or are shielding someone who is clinically vulnerable. Clinically vulnerable includes, physical health and mental health conditions. If  you are unsure whether you fit this group please ask your GP.

Please do not attend Pain Exchange face to face activities if you are at risk of having Covid, e.g., you are asymptomatic but you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, and you are awaiting a PCR test result, You are symptomatic and are awaiting a PCR test, or you have a positive PCR; whether you are symptomatic or asymptomatic.