The Pain Exchange

       Safeguarding Policy

The Pain Exchange Policy for Safeguarding At Risk Adults (as defined by the Care Act 2014)

Policy statement 

The Pain Exchange (PEX) believes that all adults have the right to enjoy the activities at the PEX in a safe and secure environment.

Reason for Policy

The PEX has developed this safeguarding policy to promote well-being and ensure the safety and protection of all adults who use or attend the PEX.

Who does it apply to?

This safeguarding policy applies to all staff, contractors and volunteers  ("Team Members"), Trustees and those who use the service.

The Legal framework

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of the legislative framework that seeks to protect adults at-risk of harm (“At-Risk Adults”) as contained in the Human Rights Act 1998, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, the Data Protection Act 2018, the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, and the Care Act 2014 (particularly sections 42-46) ( and associated secondary legislation and statutory guidance.

Responsibilities of the PEX

  1. To prevent harm to any adult involved at the PEX and protect their right to live in safety.
  2. To promote quality of life for all adults involved at the PEX.
  3. To safeguard all adults involved at the PEX in a way that supports them in making choices and having control about how they want to live.
  4. To raise awareness and provide support to help all adults involved at the PEX understand about the different forms of abuse and how to respond to these.
  5. To work with Ealing Adult Safeguarding Service to both remain abreast of changes in law or local policies and in cases where abuse is suspected or reported; to refer on to them.
  6. To ensure that all Team Members and trustees have appropriate DBS checks 

Responsibilities of Team Members

  1. To follow this safeguarding policy and associated procedures.
  2. To attend adult safeguarding training sessions once a year.
  3. To discuss adult safeguarding concerns with the adult safeguarding officer, or if adult safeguarding involves the officer, with a trustee.
  4. To remain alert to safeguarding issues.
  5. To reduce risk by carrying out context-specific risk assessments and planning.
  6. To ensure transparency and accountability by keeping proper records and deal promptly and professionally with any complaints.

Responsibilities of the Trustees

The Trustees have a duty of care to prevent risks to the PEX reputation and resources as well as preventing harm to the people it helps and Team Members. 


At-Risk Adults are defined by the Care Act 2014 as individuals over 18 at risk of harm.


1.      Physical disability.

2.      Mental health problems.

3.      Disturbance of Vision, hearing loss or difficulty communicating.

4.      Loss of memory, forgetfulness.

5.      Elderly living alone.

6.      Suicide risk.

The PEX does not treat people under the age of 18 and therefore the mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation ("FGM") is not relevant in this service but Team Members need to be aware that participants may have been victims of this.  Team Members should also be aware of PREVENT (under the Prevent Duty Guidance 2023) which imposes a duty on local authorities to safeguard people from being drawn into extremism or radicalisation.


Note that:

  • Abuse of an At-Risk Adult may consist of a single act or repeated acts Abuse may occur because of a failure to undertake action or appropriate care tasks.
  • Abuse may be an act of neglect or an omission to act, or it may occur where an At-Risk Adult is persuaded to enter a financial or sexual transaction to which they have not, or cannot, consent. 
  • Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the individual.

For a more detailed definition of abuse under the Care Act 2014 see appendix 2 of this policy.

For signs of abuse please see appendix 3 of this policy.  

Note that:

  • All Team Members interacting with patients must be aware of the method of identifying At-Risk Adults.
  • All Team Members must to familiarise themselves with appendix 3, in order to be aware of the signs of abuse.
  • All Team Members must be ready to listen if a participant starts to talk or asks if they can discuss something that is concerning them.


  • All new Team Members and trustees must read the PEX policies and procedures as part of their induction.
  • The PEX safeguarding officer must check with all Team Members and trustees that they have understood the policy and procedure for safeguarding At-Risk Adults.
  • All new Team Members and trustees must sign that they have read and understood the policy and procedure for adult safeguarding at the PEX.
  • Safeguarding must be on the agenda for team and trustee meetings.
  • All Team Members and trustees must attend an annual refresher / update session of safeguarding At-Risk Adults, using case studies to enhance learning and understanding.
  • A laminated flow chart of procedures relating to acting on suspicion of abuse, reporting of abuse and accusations of abuse must be placed on the PEX notice board and updated as necessary.
  • A laminated flow chart for recognising and assessing suicide risk must be placed on the PEX noticeboard and updated as necessary. 


  • At interview complete safeguarding check form (see appendix 4) regarding past convictions, cautions, reprimands, final warnings, pending cases, complaints of abuse against them.
  • At interview use scoring form (see appendix 5), with respect to suitability to the role, including experience, suitable qualification(s), relevant training.
  • For all new Team Members ensure two references obtained either by phone, email or letter, copies of relevant qualifications and professional registrations and proof of identification kept in personal file of Team Member in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Obtain DBS checks for all new Team Members to cover safeguarding checks in appendix 4.


  • All new Team Members inducted within their first month. Induction includes reading the PEX safeguarding policy and procedures.
  • All Team Members to be kept abreast of identified At-Risk Adults at case conference/ team meeting by the safeguarding officer for the PEX.
  • All Team Members to be kept updated with regards to any change in law, or knowledge or current adult safeguarding issues and their management at the PEX, at the annual review of the PEX.
  • The safeguarding officer’s duty is to link to the Ealing local safeguarding board for updates in local policies and procedures and update the team as appropriate.


  • Risk assessment and PEX activities -  please refer to health and safety policy and procedure.
  • Keep up to date with renewal of the Public Liability Insurance
  • Check HCPC registration and keep copies for all physiotherapy staff.
  • Keep participant notes up to date and in line with professional guidelines for physiotherapists.
  • Audit of selection of participant notes once per year by the physiotherapy team.
  • Accident and incident reporting -  please refer to health and safety policy and procedure.


Team Members and trustees will ensure that:


Safeguarding officer at the PEX:

Currently: Sharon Morgans Physiotherapist 


Mobile 07815152818


Safeguarding Officer Responsibilities

  • Ensure that Team Members know who to go to with concerns re safeguarding.
  • Ensure that concerns are acted on.
  • Follow-up safeguarding referrals.
  • Re-enforce need for confidentiality.
  • Ensure support for those who experience abuse..
  • Maintain proper records.

Please see PEX Procedures for safeguarding At- Risk Adults (CLICK HERE) for how to deal with situations where an adult needs help and for situations where allegations of abuse are made about someone in the organisation.


Resources, further help and information

There is a lot of good advice, information and resource material available for free.

To report concerns about abuse please contact: 

Ealing Social Services Adult care contact centre


Telephone 020 8825 8000/5000



For details of your local Safeguarding Adults Board see the website:
